A Complex-Collectivist Manifesto

Years after Martin Luther King Jr’s riveting recountal of his dream for the future of America, theoverturning of “separate but equal” Jim Crow laws, and much hand-wringing by liberal Americans,racial segregation in the cities was continuing unabated. Perplexed by this…

Compassion for the Collective

Understanding the need of compassionate behaviour for a prosocial community You are on a zoom call, near the end of a long day spent in front of your laptop screen, and the person on the other end appears to have…

Man vs machine: The opportunities and fear of AI

There is such a thing as robophobia — an anxiety disorder defined by the irrational fear of technological advances in robotics, which encompasses drones, robots and artificial intelligence (AI). As Baun et al. noted, the underlying fear is that of artificially intelligent…

The Importance of Noise

On the role of uncertainty in evolution, markets, neuroscience, and AI The world is unpredictable in many ways. This has been the natural state of affairs for all living beings fighting an uphill battle for survival within an ever-evolving world.…